Friday 4 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it's January already? Christmas is completely over with and today my decorations are coming down. It's a sad affair. I still haven't really thought up my resolutions and they're most definitely not set in stone yet, so I thought I'd note a few down that I've been toying with. Now, I'm terrible with keeping up with my new years resolutions so this year I've decided I'm going to keep it nice and simple for myself. Baby steps, if you will.

1. Read More. I'm embarrassed to admit that I still have the same book on my bedside table that I took away with me on holiday in August. I don't even know what's deterred me from reading as often as I used to. I truly enjoy reading, and there's many books I want to read, I just don't do it! I think one chapter at bedtime is achievable.

 2.Get out more. My boyfriend and I live fairly close to a few pretty nice parks and 'outdoorsy places'. We know they're there, we just don't bother ourselves to visit them. There's a few local places I want to go out and visit, and with almost every Sunday to ourselves there's really no excuse.

3. Be more creative. I kind of started this a little in December. I was making my own Christmas decorations, getting crafty while wrapping presents, and was pinning a hell of a lot more ;) Not only was I really beginning to enjoy it, but it helps saves pennies, too so I want to try and keep it up through 2013.

4. Have a more positive outlook on life. Smile more, laugh harder, and find that silver lining.

I have high hopes this year. I think I can do it :) What are your resolutions?
