Monday 19 August 2013

30 before 30

Not too long ago, the idea of being 30 meant absolutely nothing to me. It was some faraway mystical age which I thought I'd never have to deal with. But just the other day I realised I'm over two thirds of my way there! I'm supposed to be in my prime at the age of 21 (almost 22, eek!) but I really don't feel like I'm living my life to the fullest. To me, my life is pretty mundane and so I want to compile a list of 30 totally realistic things to make my 20's more fulfilling.

1; Visit the theater.
2; Buy a house.
3; Attend the Burning Man Festival.
4; Get professional photo's taken.
5; Master the winged eyeliner.
6; Knit an actual people-sized blanked.
7; Start up my own business and begin my career.
8; Adopt a puppy.
9; Get in shape + peak physical condition.
10; Get a degree.
11; Make a piece of art and hang it in my home.
12; Get engaged.
13; Try yoga.
14; Hike up a mountain.
15; Learn a language.
16; Grow something edible in my garden.
17; Have a spontaneous party - just because.
18; Learn to run.
19; Run a 5K.
20; Decorate an entire room - without the help of Ikea.
21; Give blood.
22; Learn how to cook.
23; Volunteer.
24; Own a designer handbag.
25; Go on a spontaneous drive to someplace new.
26; Change my hairstyle - dramatically!
27; Own a classic car.
28; Get a tattoo.
29; Stay out of debt.
30; Stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations.

What do you want to accomplish before your next milestone?
